
World Explorer


World Explorer

[ ニューエイジ ] [ 劇伴 ]
[ 神秘的 ] [ ミステリアス ] [ アトモスフィアー/浮遊感 ]
[ ファンタジー ] [ ランドスケープ ] [ トラベル ] [ ミステリー/超常現象 ]

A cinematic and atmospheric journey to the beautiful, exotic and mysterious parts of the world with a taste of ethnic instruments and vocals, created by the Indian composer Rishhad Kothawala. Scene-setting, hypnotizing and captivating modern soundtracks for global traveling, today’s or historic world explorers and incredible landscapes and vistas. Find the perfect backdrops for adventurous trips, expeditions, discovery, archaeology, lost places and natural wonders in films and documentaries.
