[ 劇伴 ] [ ファンク ] [ エレクトロニカ ]
[ 緊張/緊迫 ] [ パワフル ] [ 恐怖 ] [ ミステリアス ] [ シリアス ]
[ サスペンス ] [ ホラー/サイコ/スリラー ] [ ミステリー/超常現象 ] [ アクション ] [ サイエンスフィクション ]
They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and here at Audiomachine HQ, we take that very seriously. Enter: Before the Logo. Looking for an unforgettable Signature Sound? We've got you. Need to start your spot with drums, tension, mystery or intrigue? BTL has that too! This virtual swiss army knife of musical options even has fantasy adventure, vocals, funky comedy, and drama covered. Phew! And just when you thought it was safe to start your next edit with an Intro...