



[ 劇伴 ] [ ロックンロール/ロカビリー ] [ アコースティックロック/ポップ ] [ ソウル ] [ ラテンポップ ]
[ ポジティヴ/楽しい ] [ ノリのよい ] [ ユーモア ] [ のどかな/ほのぼの ]
[ コメディー ] [ アニメ/カートゥーン ] [ キッズ ] [ ショービズ/レヴュー ]

A happy jukebox of lighthearted, funny & charming acoustic tracks with a nice retro & easy-listening charm, created and recorded by composer/trumpeter Hub Harrison and his orchestra.

This unique collection features bouncy, carefree themes and cheeky ear-catchers with a wonderful happy-go-lucky feel, ideal for comedy, daytime fun, leisure, vacation, family & kids, animals, DIY, light entertainment and humorous game shows.

Included versions: Underscore, 30sec & 60sec Cuts.
