
It All Ends Now


It All Ends Now

[ サウンドトラック/トレイラー ] [ 劇伴 ]
[ 壮大/パノラマ ] [ シリアス ] [ 緊張/緊迫 ] [ 未来的 ]
[ ミステリアス ] [ 緊張/緊迫 ] [ パワフル ]
[ 効果音 ] [ アクション ] [ バトル ] [ サスペンス ] [ サイエンスフィクション ]

The time has come to build a new world from the ashes of old. Rise with choirs of otherworldly voices, exquisite strings, mighty drums, and growling synths as they herald the demise of an old regime. To begin anew, the past must die. It all ends here. It All Ends Now.
