
Keep Smiling - Comedy & Irony


Keep Smiling - Comedy & Irony

[ 劇伴/サウンドトラック ]
[ ユーモア ] [ 風変わり/奇妙な ]
[ ヒューマン・ドラマ ] [ キッズ ] [ アニメ/カートゥーン ]

A bag full of charming, lighthearted, funny and ironic acoustic cues for the humorous side of life, created by Jeff Lardner and Mark Allaway with a twinkle and a nice vintage charm.

Happy swing, playful retro grooves and minimalist comedy tracks featuring woodwinds, xylophone, whistling, percussion, bass and electric organ. Ideal for comical everyday situations, prank shows, easy daytime TV, dramedy, cartoon, kids TV, family movies and light entertainment.

Included Versions: 30 & 60 sec Cuts, Underscores, Light Versions
