[ 劇伴 ] [ アンビエント ] [ グランジ/オルタナ/ポストロック ]
[ アトモスフィアー/浮遊感 ] [ 温かい/穏やか ] [ 神秘的 ]
[ 自然 ] [ ランドスケープ ] [ ドキュメンタリー ]
These outstanding & multi-facetted soundtracks are specially designed for stunning pictures from above taken by a drone or on a flight.
Floating ethereal ambiences and inspired uplifting instrumentals, perfect for wondrous scenic aerial views and the amazing experience of air sports, flying, panoramic landscapes, coastal scenes, exciting cityscapes, travel documentaries and other awe-inspiring projects.
On two volumes you'll find everything you need to underscore the magic of flight and the beauty of our earth seen from above.
Including valuable underscore versions.