
Beautiful World 2


Beautiful World 2

[ 劇伴/サウンドトラック ]
[ ミステリアス ] [ アトモスフィアー/浮遊感 ] [ 美しい ]
[ ヒューマン・ドラマ ] [ 企業VP/プロモ ] [ ライフスタイル ]

Volume 2 of CosMind's beautiful, graceful and emotional soundtracks capturing the serene beauty of the fascinating & fragile world we live in and the cycles of nature and life.

Carefully crafted, delicate, expressive and inspired acoustic soundtracks featuring masterfully performed chamber ensembles with solo woodwinds, cello, harp, piano, strings and more. Composed for nature films, changing seasons, the wonders of the natural world and human life documentaries.

Including a valuable selection of alternate versions & underscores.
