

Groovers Music Library




[ ニューエイジ ]
[ 神秘的 ] [ 美しい ] [ アトモスフィアー/ 浮遊感 ]
[ ランドスケープ ] [ ヒューマン・ドラマ ]

A collection of music featuring angelic female voices.


Space Flight Full 他バージョンあり #1

Electronica, New Age, Landscapes, Nature, Adventure, Panoramic, Dreamy, Warm, Hopeful, Spacey, Floating, Beautiful, Celestial, Ethereal, Vocal, Synth, Synth Bass, Drums,

Memory Of Sea Full 他バージョンあり #3

New Age, Soundtrack, Film, Human Drama, Epic, Emotional, Touching, Poignant, Ethereal, Dreamy, Celestial, Warm, Nostalgic, Vocal, Harp, Strings, Synth Voices,

Pavane Full 他バージョンあり #5

Classical, Soundtrack, Film, Costume Drama, Renaissance, Warm, Melancholic, Nostalgic, Sombre, Sorrowful, Lament, Mournful, Vocal, Harp, Cello, Synth Voices,

Epic Voyage Full 他バージョンあり #7

New Age, Soundtrack, Film, Epic, Adventure, Panoramic, Celestial, Heavenly, Ethereal, Hopeful, Warm, Expressive, Evocative, Dramatic, Vocal, Strings, Bass, Drums,

Song Of The Seas Full 他バージョンあり #9

New Age, Soundtrack, Film, Nature, Landscapes, Healing, Peaceful, Dreamy, Warm, Soft, Tender, Caring, Calm, Soothing, Atmospheric, Celestial, Heavenly, Ethereal, Hopeful, Evocative, Tranquil, Vocal, Piano, Synth Voices, Strings,

Lost Sleep Full 他バージョンあり #11

New Age, Soundtrack, Film, Mystery, Science, Mysterious, Mystical, Floating, Spacey, Hypnotic, Atmospheric, Dreamy, Celestial, Heavenly, Ethereal, Vocal, Synth Bass, Piano, Synth Voices, Drums,

Holy Singing Voice Full 他バージョンあり #13

New Age, Soundtrack, Film, Healing, Christmas, Angelic, Ethereal, Celestial, Heavenly, Dreamy, Peaceful, Warm, Tender, Soft, Caring, Calm, Soothing, Atmospheric, Hopeful, Church, Vocal, Synth Voices, Chorus, Strings,

Prayer Of Dream Full 他バージョンあり #15

New Age, Soundtrack, Film, Healing, Christmas, Angelic, Ethereal, Celestial, Heavenly, Dreamy, Peaceful, Warm, Tender, Soft, Caring, Calm, Soothing, Atmospheric, Hopeful, Church, Magical, Spacey, Vocal, Synth Voices, Strings, Chorus,

Look At The Sky Full 他バージョンあり #16

New Age, Epic, Nature, Landscape, Panoramic, Expansive, Warm, Expressive, Emotional, Dreamy, Open Sky, Compelling, Celestial, Vocal, Synth Voices, Chorus, Strings, Drum,

Mysterious Island Full 他バージョンあり #18

New Age, Soundtrack, Film, Mystery, Documentary, Dreamy, Mysterious, Mystical, Nostalgic, Warm, Ethereal, Heavenly, Ethereal, Atmospheric, Spacey, Hypnotic, Vocal, Harp, Strings, Synth Voices,

Eternal Earth Full 他バージョンあり #20

New Age, Soundtrack, Film, Landscapes, Nature, Panoramic, Ethereal, Celestial, Heavenly, Dreamy, Peaceful, Warm, Calm, Soothing, Atmospheric, Hopeful, Mysterious, Mystical, Vocal, Piano, Strings, Synth Voices, Chorus,