
Intros 2


Intros 2

[ 劇伴 ] [ ロック ]
[ 恐怖 ] [ 緊張/緊迫 ] [ ミステリアス ] [ 壮大/パノラマ ]
[ パワフル ] [ ノリのよい ] [ クール/洗練された ]
[ ファンタジー ] [ ミステリー/超常現象 ] [ ヒューマン・ドラマ ]
[ サスペンス ] [ 犯罪/クライムドラマ ] [ 自然 ]

Sometimes getting started is the hardest part. With cues that range from light and sweet to tense and dark, Intros 2 makes your life easier by offering up a huge selection of scene setters. We窶堙・エve even added a dose of swagger into this magic mix, because not every spot can start with a piano ping. Dig in.
