[ サウンドトラック/トレイラー ]
[ 恐怖 ] [ 緊張/緊迫 ] [ シリアス ] [ ミステリアス ] [ 未来的 ] [ 壮大/パノラマ ] [ 平坦 ]
[ サスペンス ] [ ゲーム ] [ ミステリー/超常現象 ] [ 効果音 ] [ サイエンスフィクション ] [ サウンドデザイン ]
Pings can be an editor's best friend - those high, piercing tones, and their shrill reverses, slice through the chaos to create an air of icy mystery. Powerdowns - either a standard bass drop or a longer, more complex, pulsing charge - are the perfect transition device to shift from story pod to epic back end.