
Awakening Hope

Catapult Music

[CAT1214] Awakening Hope

Bandaging Hearts

Gently hopeful intro builds to rousing AC optimism. Piano joined 1:17 by intriguing synth, building metallic percussion textures to ascending finale.

Pop / Light Energy, organic, momentum, big, driving, building, underscore, confident, heartwarming, inspiring, majestic, powerful, progress, proud, reflective, happy, positive, determined, exciting, emotional, reality tv, promo, corporate, pop rock, easy listening, going forward, forward-going, dynamic, propulsive, increasing, build, rising, crescendo, rise, bed, sparse, minimalistic, soundscape, background, sure, confidence, warm, heart, heartfelt, heart warming, inspired, inspiration, inspire, encourage, encouraging, inspirational, regal, pomp, royal, royalty, strong, bold, power, progression, forward, movement, success, successful, accomplish, accomplishment, pride, dignified, dignity, head held high, chin up, introspective, contemplate, contemplative, thoughtful, pondering, wondering, sentimental, pensive, happiness, glad, gladness, smile, smiling, cheery, merry, joyous, motivate, motivating, motivation, up, upbeat, convincing, optimism, optimistic, uplifting, motivational, bright, favorable, favourable, excited, agitating, affecting, moving, touching, promotion, advertising, commercial, business, career, trade, piano, electric guitar, strings, drums

バージョン No Melody, Reduced Arrangement
トラック番号 34
楽曲の長さ 02:26
作曲家 Christian Schlumpf
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005