


[AUDM97] Legends

It Starts Here

Other Version

It Starts Here No Vocals #6

Determined piano and silky female vocals lead the charge in this epic trailer track, joined by commanding orchestra and soaring electric guitar in a heroic finale.

Action, Airy, Building, Cinematic, Dark, Driving, Epic, Futuristic, Gradual, Hybrid, Intro, Modern, Mysterious, Ominous, Orchestral, Seductive, Serious, Stabs, Superhero, Bass, Brass, Guitar, Guitar:Electric Guitar, Keyboard:Piano, Percussion, Percussion:Cymbal, Strings, Strings:Cello, Vocals, Vocals:Female

ジャンル 劇伴
ムード パワフル, 壮大/パノラマ
カテゴリ アクション, バトル, アドベンチャー, エピック
楽器 フルオーケストラ, 女性, ストリング・セクション, ティンパニ
バージョン Full (Vocal)
トラック番号 5
楽曲の長さ 03:13
作曲家 Paul Dinletir
Daniel Nicholas Tauber
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005