
Sports Rock

Catapult Music

[CAT1173] Sports Rock

About To Rock

Underscore-friendly sports rock. Plenty of hard-driving, confident swagger without stealing attention. Breakdown 1:29. Finale 1:47.

organic, momentum, driving, confident, powerful, fun, positive, determined, exciting, extreme sports, reality tv, sports, promo, alternative rock, rock, indie, going forward, forward-going, progress, dynamic, propulsive, sure, confidence, strong, bold, power, funtime, fun time, play, playful, motivate, motivating, motivation, up, upbeat, convincing, optimism, optimistic, uplifting, motivational, bright, favorable, favourable, excited, agitating, skate, skating, bike, biking, jump, jumping, run, running, sprint, goal, score, win, compete, competitive, competition, team, rowdy, bring it on, show it off, intensity, football, baseball, basketball, hockey, boxing, ufc, aerobics, workout, promotion, advertising, commercial, drums, bass, electric guitars

ジャンル ロック, インディロック/ポップ
ムード パワフル, ノリの良い/ファンキー
カテゴリ アクション, バトル, スポーツ
楽器 バンド, エレクトリックギター, エレクトリックベース, アコースティックドラム
バージョン 15sec
トラック番号 131
楽曲の長さ 00:14
作曲家 Manos Apostolopoulos
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005