
Urbanistica (Night Hours Edition)

The Funky Junkies

[TFJ033] Urbanistica (Night Hours Edition)

2030hrs Riverside Walk

Simple, romantic melody walks hand in hand with relaxed guitars and drums.

Chilled Pop, TFJ033 Urbanistica (Night Hours Edition), bridges, holding hands, lovers, scenery, park, landscape, lake,pop, electronic, lifestyle, filmic, mellow, relaxed, easy, easy going, rounded, smooth, soft, sweet, benign, obliging, pleasant, agreeable, amiable, concordant, cordial, empathic, harmonious, sympathetic, understanding, congenial, congruous, favourable, amenable, laid back, serene, tranquil, soothing, subtle, nice, quiet, refined, sophisticated, understated, airy, elegant, graceful, subdued, restrained, toned down, genteel, warm, nice, earnest, amiable, amicable, approachable, benevolent, congenial, cordial, courteous, genial, good natured, gracious, kind, kindly, mild, obliging, pleasant, polite, caring, fond, huggy, lovey-dovey, lovely, loving, mushy, sympathetic, tender, warmhearted, affable, charming, cosy, neighbourly, easy, friendly, lovable, mellow, pleasing, sweet, sweet tempered, balmy, favourable, fortunate, healthy, temperate, comfort, comfortable, console, encourage, content, contented, easy, enjoyable, protected, relaxed, relieved, rested, restored, soothing, serene, sheltered, soft, soothed, all heart, humane, humanitarian, indulgent, kindhearted, softhearted, tender, convivial, companionable, sincere, welcoming, wholehearted, thoughtful, touching, understanding, sentimental, friendly, generous, true, honest, synth, synths, electric, medium, slowish, 1990s, 2000s, chilled pop 92bpm, slow medium,synth, synths, electric,

ジャンル チルアウト
ムード 温かい/のどかな/ノスタルジック, アトモスフィアー/浮遊感
カテゴリ ランドスケープ
楽器 エレクトリックギター, エレクトリックベース, チェレスタ/セレスタ, アコースティックドラム
その他情報 夜,
バージョン 30sec
トラック番号 46
楽曲の長さ 00:30
作曲家 Chill Bill
テンポ 普通
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706002Y31018
  • JASRAC許諾番号:9012706001Y30005